Step to the Edge, Chapter 02

Edge 2 header1


A Cold One Kol realised with a disgusted huff. Realising that he was about to give himself away, but not caring, Kol moved into action.

Instinctively knowing that it was Bella that the Cold One was after, he instantly took up a defensive position in front of her, a rumbling snarl leaving him as he spoke that made the hair on the back of both Jeremy’s and Bella’s necks stand on end.

“What do you want here?”

Fleur I This is how, it begins
Push it away but it all comes back again
All the flesh, all the sin
There was a time when it used to mean just about everything
Just like now

“This doesn’t involve you.” Victoria hissed as she saw Kol, not really understanding what he was.

“You will not touch her!” he growled, effortlessly matching each of Victoria’s movements as she weaved from side to side, obviously looking for a weakness.

“What are you?” Victoria asked, getting angry as she tried and failed to get any closer to Bella.

Kol chuckled darkly, still meeting her move for move. “You’re not very old are you, love? Or wise for that matter, you poorly dressed wench… Isn’t that something you should have figured out before you challenged me?”

“I wasn’t challenging you!” She hissed in reply, her eyes cutting quickly to where Bella stood a short distance behind Kol, Jeremy standing protectively beside her.

“Both of these humans are under my protection.” Kol’s voice was like ice as he levelled a glare at her, “An attack against them is a challenge against me, and I am not someone you would want to upset.”

Abruptly, he snarled viciously, his eyes bleeding red as his fangs lengthened. Victoria froze in place, a cold trickle of fear travelling down her spine. She hadn’t anticipated encountering a true vampire, especially one that she could literally feel the power radiating from.

“Your kind are more like a pestilence than true vampires.” Kol sneered as Victoria backed away little, continuing her retreat as he took a step towards her.

“This isn’t over.” She spat defiantly, then one last growl from him had her tucking tail and running, glancing over her shoulder to be sure he wasn’t following.

Satisfied that she was gone for the time being at least, Kol turned back towards Bella and Jeremy, quickly scanning them for injuries. Seeing Bella’s ashen face he exhaled heavily, his eyes returning to their normal colour.

“Perhaps we should go somewhere more suitable for this discussion.” He suggested, tilting his head to indicate Bella as Jeremy looked him angrily.

Jeremy let out a sigh of his own as he took in his friend’s wide eyes and pale cheeks. “Okay,” he agreed “But don’t think you’re getting out of telling us what the hell is going on… and what the hell she was.”

“She was a vampire, a Cold One…” Neither Kol, nor Jeremy missed the muttered words from Bella and they both looked at her as she blankly stared into space and continued quietly, “It’s me she wants.”

Kol swallowed back the growl that threatened to escape, not wanting to frighten Bella any more than she already was. Seeing Kol’s tense reaction to Bella’s words, Jeremy relaxed a little. Even though Kol had not been honest with them about his vampirism, it was obvious that he cared about Bella.

“My home would probably be best.” Kol offered, huffing in irritation when Jeremy again looked at him suspiciously. “If I wanted either of you dead bud, I would have killed you both some time ago.” He grumbled.

Unable to argue with that statement, Jeremy eventually shrugged, then he and Bella fell into step and walked behind Kol, who was leading the way to his apartment.

It was a nice place, Bella noted somewhere in the back of her mind when they’d arrived at Kol’s home. It was big, but not ridiculously so, and extremely tidy for a guy’s place. Sitting down on one of the squashy leather couches she took the glass of liquor Kol held out to her, clutching it in both hands.

“Drink,” Kol told her quietly, “It will help with the shock.”

Bella knocked back the contents of the glass absently, her eyes watering a little as it burned on its way down. Kol chuckled softly as he refilled the glass, giving it back to her again. “Just sip it this time please, darling.”

He watched her for a moment and when he was satisfied that some of the colour was beginning to return to her cheeks, he turned to look at Jeremy. “I know you already know what I am…Will I have to compel you to keep it quiet?”

Jeremy eyed him thoughtfully for a long moment. “What do you actually want with us?”

“Is it so hard to believe that I actually consider you a friend?” When Jeremy didn’t respond straight away, he sighed.

“Fine, for now I’ll swear on my family name that I intend no harm to either of you; when I explain who I am, you will know that I will keep my word. But first things first, did you realise that the reason you are in Denver is because you were actually compelled to come here?”

“Compelled! What?” Jeremy asked confused, “Who would do that? And how would you know about it if someone did?”

“I know because the reason you were compelled to leave Mystic Falls in the first place just happens to be my older brother. As for who would do it… surely you can guess. It’s my understanding that it is not the first time they have done it to you.”

Jeremy tensed as the words sank in. Surely his sister hadn’t done it to him again…

“Who is your brother?” He asked suddenly and Kol frowned.

“Well I call him Nik… but I guess if they left you with any memory of him, you would know him by the name Klaus.”

Jeremy nodded tightly, not really all that surprised by this information; it had become apparent that there was a lot he didn’t know. “Can you remove it?” He asked through gritted teeth. “The compulsion I mean, can you get rid of it?”

“You never answered my question.” Kol replied quickly, “Do I need to compel you to keep your mouth shut?”

Jeremy shook his head and Kol smirked. “Good, because I do actually quite like you… I can’t remove the compulsion personally, but I know a witch who can. I should warn you though, it will hurt.”

Bella’s head had turned back and forth between them as they spoke. She had calmed down enough to pay attention now, but not much of what they were saying seemed to be making sense to her.

“Okay, could one of you please fill me in on what the hell is going on here?” She eventually broke into the conversation, “I know I have some stuff I should explain, but what are you talking about. What is this compelling and stuff? I don’t understand!”

Kol looked at her and his features softened visibly as Jeremy watched. “How do you know about Cold Ones and yet have no knowledge of what I am? How is that possible, darling?”

Bella laughed humourlessly. “It’s possible because the Cold Ones I knew were spineless dicks that not only left me alone to deal with their shit, but seemed to get off on keeping me in the dark as much as possible… Now, would you please tell me what you are?”

“Well that is easy enough; I am a vampire, an Original in fact,” he held up his hand to silence Bella before she could argue, “I’m nothing like what you previously knew as a vampire. “I am a true vampire, nothing like one of those infectious parasites, a Cold One,” he sneered at the term. My full name is Kol Mikaelson and I was one of the first, turned with magic along with my siblings over a thousand years ago.”

Bella sat quietly for a moment, taking it all in. “Okay.” She eventually nodded, making Jeremy snort in amusement.

Okay? That’s it, that’s all you’re gonna say? Damn, I wish I had reacted half as cool as that when I found out vampires existed.”

His comment had the desired effect as Bella snickered a little. “Witches are a bit of a surprise, but I already knew about Cold Ones, so different vampires aren’t really that much of a stretch I guess.”

She sighed heavily then and looked away from them, her body tensing back up as she continued speaking. “So I guess I should really tell you my story…”

Fleur II

Breathe, echoing the sound
Time starts slowing down
Sink until I drown
(Please) I don’t ever want to make it stop

 And it keeps repeating
Will you please complete me?

Kol had barely kept it together as he listened to Bella talk for the next hour. He paced agitatedly as she described meeting the Cullens and the events that followed, and Jeremy wasn’t faring much better, sitting there rigidly as his friend spoke.

As she got near the end of her story and began to describe how Charlie had reached the end of his patience with her, after Renee had already washed her hands of her, Bella’s voice began to wobble. Knowing she was alone and unwanted, and saying it out loud were two entirely different things.

Seeing her distress Kol moved towards her, and sunk to his knees in front of where she sat, and reached out and cupped the side of her face, brushing his thumb across her cheek as he looked at her seriously.

“You’re not alone now, you have us.”

He indicated between himself and Jeremy, who nodded in agreement and moved closer grabbing Bella’s hand and squeezing it in a silent show of support.

“I’m curious though,” Kol said suddenly, sitting back on his heels with a smirk, “You say the mind reading didn’t work on you…”

Bella nodded. “That’s right.”

“Can I try something?” Kol asked, grinning. Bella nodded a silent ‘yes’ and Kol leaned forward, his pupils dilating as he looked into her eyes and spoke. “You will hit Jeremy… just because he is there and an easy target.”

“Hey!” Jeremy protested as Bella burst into giggles and shook her head.

“No, nothing,” She said, “I didn’t feel any different.”

Kol laughed and got to his feet, letting Bella get by and pointing out the bathroom when she asked.

“Dude, you may be some big-shot vampire, but you’re still an ass.” Jeremy said, leaning back on the couch, his hands behind his head.

“True,” Kol smirked pouring himself another drink, “But surely you’d get worried if I started being too nice now.”

“About Bella…” Jeremy started, his posture deceptively relaxed as he spoke. “Are you playing some sort of game with her?”

Kol sighed and sat down on the other couch with his drink. “No games. I like her.”

“You like her?”

“Yes, like,” Kol answered defensively. “I like her, I want her… I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anyone in fact, but I’m not about to start throwing around the other L word when I’ve never even kissed the girl!”

Jeremy silently looked at him for a long moment before suddenly nodding and then snorting in amusement. “You might want to consider making a move on her then, ‘cause as much as she definitely likes you too, you know she isn’t ever going to make the first move.”

Kol chuckled raising his drink in acknowledgement, before lapsing into a thoughtful silence.

That’s how Bella found them a few moments later, when she returned to the room and looked at them both warily. “You’re both quiet… what are you up to?”

Jeremy shrugged, grinning as Kol looked at her just a little too innocently.

“Nothing darling, I was just thinking about the fact that I can’t compel you. It’s  such a pity…”

“Why, what else would you to compel me to do?” Bella asked, then snickered, “Other than to hit Jeremy anyway.”

Kol smiled then, a cheeky grin that lit up his face. “Why, I’d compel you to stay here for the night, darling.”

Bella blushed as Jeremy burst out laughing. “Smooth man, real smooth.”

“Ever thought of actually asking me?” Bella retorted with a grin.

“What would you say if I did?” He got up and slowly begun to approach her, making Bella swallow uncertainly as she realised he was now being serious.

“I don’t know until you ask me…” She said unsteadily, backing up a step as nerves got the better of her.

In a blink Kol had her against the wall, his body pressed into hers as he gently held her there. Bella could feel every inch of where he touched her tingling.

“Stay with me tonight?” He asked, his voice low and soft, and doing delicious things to her. Under his intense gaze Bella couldn’t seem to form words so she simply nodded in reply.

Kol grinned then ducked his head and buried his face against her neck; a low growl rumbling through him as Bella instinctively tilted her head to the side for him. Momentarily forgetting that they weren’t alone, he softly nipped at her neck with his blunt teeth, enjoying the breathy noises that escaped her as he moved to suck on her pulse point.

Trailing upwards alternating between soft nips and sucking, he worked his way back to just under her ear and then around her jaw before pulling back to look at her, his lips just centimeters from hers as he stared into her eyes.

A sudden sneeze had Kol abruptly stopping his actions and whipping to stare at Jeremy, who shifted embarrassed as Kol looked at him with his eyes slightly unfocused.

“Sorry man.” Jeremy muttered as Kol quickly shook his head to clear it and smirked, completely unashamed. Looking back at Bella, who was blushing beautifully, he brushed his fingers down her flushed cheek, then took her hand, leading her to the couch and sitting down next to her.

“It might actually be a good idea if you both stayed…” Kol said thoughtfully a moment later, holding up a hand to silence Jeremy as he opened his mouth to protest, “Before you argue, I have enough bedrooms and you will be safer here.”

He looked at Bella. “Cold Ones do not require an invitation to enter homes, correct?”

She nodded in confirmation and he turned back to Jeremy. “You’re both safer here with me, at least until this Victoria is dealt with.”

Jeremy sighed and pulled out his phone to call his guardians. At the same time Bella pulled out hers to call Etta. Jeremy finished his call and waited with Kol, both of them staying silent as Bella tried several numbers she had before giving up and just leaving a message on the house phone.

She shrugged awkwardly as she hung up. Neither of them said anything, Kol just slid a comforting arm round her, tugging her to rest against his side as they sat further back on the couch.

“You can take the biggest spare room, Jeremy.” Kol said suddenly and Bella twisted to look at him.

“What about me?”

“You’ll be in with me. That is of course, you don’t object.”

“You actually want me to stay in with you?” She looked at him disbelievingly even as Jeremy snorted, shaking his head in amusement.

“Darling… Let me put it this way… I will sleep as far over in the bed as I possibly can if you want me to, I’ll even sleep on the damn floor if that’s what you want, but now that I have you here for the night, please don’t ask me to stay in another room.”

Bella stared at him in shock as even Jeremy had fallen silent. She waited a moment to see if he would suddenly say ‘just kidding’, but when he didn’t and just carried on looking at her seriously she eventually nodded, realising he meant it.

“Okay,” She answered, still a little uncertain but wanting nothing more than to be with him, “I’ll stay with you.”

Fleur III

Now everything is clear
I erase the fear
I can disappear
(Please) I don’t ever want to make it stop

The three of them sat and talked for a while, Bella still curled into Kol’s side as he absently brushed his fingers up and down her arm every so often, making her shiver just a little each time he did it.

Both Kol and Bella shared what they knew of Cold Ones with Jeremy as well as comparing notes with each other; Jeremy and Kol did the same thing, telling Bella of the events at Mystic Falls that involved both their families.

The longest part of the conversation was Kol though, giving them some of his history. A thousand years of life, even with several stretches spent daggered in a coffin, was a lot to cover. He’d kept it brief for the most part, though had readily agreed to answer questions they had in the future.

Once their history was covered, they all decided to leave making any plans until tomorrow, and Jeremy decided to head to bed to watch some TV. Though he didn’t say it, he also wanted to give Kol and Bella some alone time.

It was quiet for a few moments after Jeremy left them, the only sound was the radio playing softly in the background as they sat there, Kol still randomly stroking Bella’s arm.

Bella eventually stood up to take her glass to the kitchen, just for something to do to break the rising tension. Kol stood with her and swiftly took the glass from her hand, setting it back on the side table before turning her towards him.

“You have one chance to end this.” he told her intensely, “Right now, before it starts… because if I kiss you, if I touch you, I think you’re going to ruin me for anyone else.”

Bella’s breath caught as she looked at him for a long moment. Was she ready for this? Could she take a chance with him?  Perhaps the real question was, could she not?

She nodded slowly but was surprised when he shook his head at her, reaching his hand out, his fingers just shy of brushing her cheek.

“No darling,” He said, his voice softer now, “You need to say it, I need to hear you say you want this, that you want me.”

Bella swallowed around the lump forming in her throat as tears prickled her eyes. “I want you,” she finally managed to whisper, and then looked back up to meet his eyes, getting louder then, more certain, “I want this.”

He didn’t say anything.

Instead, the hand hovering near her cheek moved to the back of her head as he stepped forward, his lips descending on hers.

Her hands sliding up into his hair and tangling her fingers there, she hesitated as he growled faintly, expecting him to stop or pull away like she was previously used to. Instead he pulled her against him, deepening the kiss as he moved them both.

It was almost too fast for Bella to register and the next thing she knew they were back on the sofa as she sat on his lap; knees either side of him as they kissed heatedly.

His tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip, then as she parted them, twisted with hers. Bella’s head swum at the new sensation, her heart racing as she thought about the fact she had never done this before.

Feeling her increasing anxiety as she stiffened in his arms, Kol pulled back, running his hands up and down her arms soothingly.

“Shhh, I can feel you’re getting nervous. Why?” He kissed her softly. “I know you’re… innocent, if that’s what you’re worried about. I know you’re not ready for that, and I’m not going to try and force anything on you, darling.”

“It’s not that… I haven’t…” Bella shook her head, beyond embarrassed, “I’ve never…”

“Ahh, I see,” he said softly, realising her issue, “You’ve never even just played have you?” He kissed her again, a little bit harder this time. “Mmm, just to know that I’ll be the only man to have touched you in that way…”

His lips trailed down her neck to her shoulder, gently slipping off her hoodie when it got in his way. “Don’t be worried, you only need to feel me,” he murmured between soft kisses that had Bella sighing and tilting her head to give him access, “Just feel what I do to you… because I’m going to make you fly.”

Bella couldn’t stop the low whimper at his words, and tugging lightly on his hair she pulled him up to her lips for a slow, drugging kiss that left her feeling lightheaded. He pulled away to let her breathe as he trailed downwards again, a hand stroking up and down her side and occasionally sliding around to grab her ass.

As his mouth reached her shoulder again he reached up and slid the straps of her tank top and bra down leaving her skin bare for him to plant a hot kiss there as his hand kept stroking her up and down.

His other hand slid underneath her top and traced upwards over her ribs, slowly enough to make sure she was comfortable before continuing up, his thumb teasing her nipple through the thin cotton of her bra.

He smiled against her skin as she moaned softly, her back arching as she pressed into his hand. His tongue flicked out to taste her skin while he worked his way lower, reaching the upper edge of her tank top and sucking just hard enough to leave a faint mark there.

One hand splayed across Bella’s back, supporting her as she instinctively arched further, all but offering herself as he inched her top lower. Bending his head and tasting and teasing each newly revealed bit of skin, he moved lower, until he finally lost some measure of control and sharply tugged down her clothing, his mouth quickly finding her nipple.

“Oh my god.” Bella cried out softly, her fingers buried in his hair as he sucked and flicked his tongue against her. The hand he had against her back the only thing stopping her from falling.

She shifted her hips minutely as the pleasant ache between her thighs flared up, demanding some kind of friction. She moaned loudly as Kol seemed to sense it and gripped her hip, pulling her down roughly as he shifted his hips upward. The feel of him hard against her through two layers of denim was just enough to tease her, not quite bringing relief, just working her higher instead.

“Mmm,” Kol inhaled, raising his head from her breast with a low growl, “You smell fucking delicious when you’re turned on.”

Bella flushed but didn’t protest as he pulled her tank top up and over her head, the low rumbling coming from him making her want to beg for something, anything, she wasn’t sure what.

To her surprise though, he then pulled away, straightening her bra and lifting her off his lap. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked away from him, humiliated. Surely this couldn’t be happening again! What the hell was so wrong with her?

“Hey,” Kol cupped her cheek, making her look at him, “We’re not stopping darling, not unless you want to, but if we’re going to carry on, then we really need to take this somewhere a little more private for what I have in mind.”

He winked and Bella lowered her eyes and blushed, both at her reaction and the implication he was making.

Getting up from the couch Kol held his hand out to her, helping her to stand. “Come on darling, I promised I’d make you fly.”

Bella’s knees almost buckled at his seductive tone as he led her into his bedroom.


You can never leave me
Will you please complete me

Never be enough
To fill me up

Chapter title and song lyrics are from Please ~ Nine Inch Nails

Huge thanks (and huge blue popsicles) to my beta Mommy4Thomas… you’re awesome! EWE!

Kol-Previous  Jeremy-next-button-edge-b&w

16 thoughts on “Step to the Edge, Chapter 02

  1. Pingback: New chapter for Step to the Edge… |

  2. As always, you have delivered another great chapter! You know how much I love it. If I weren’t your beta, I would be coming after you with a pitchfork for that ending! 😉 Job well done, love! EWE!! *Leaves a Tootsie Pop for you*

  3. Damn right you better head to hiding!!! Mutters as she paces. I think she has hung around Ashley too much…. Yep that’s it.

    And to do it in the middle of some freaking HAWT citrus?? Man… I think that is illegal!!

    Great job btw!!

  4. What a gigantic tease ending!
    I loved this chapter. I wonder what Icky Vicky will do now that she knows better has an original vamp protecting her.
    I also wonder how quick Bella and Kol will get serious because I’m hoping Kol and Bella agree on him giving her his blood daily so if she gets hurt or fatally injured it will do its thing.
    I’m also super excited to see if Elena and Damon travel to Denver like they did in the show, and if they do if Kol and Bella all go to Mystic Falls.
    It’s exciting because since Jer knows about Kol and who is he before Elena can tell him it will make things better.
    Cant wait for more!

  5. A part of me is kind of proud for that cliffhanger, lol… the delicious tension is so – delicious! I’m glad Jeremy seemed accepting of Kol and there isn’t going to be that whole fall out, though I’m sure crazy times are still ahead. As always, love and can’t wait for more!

  6. Pingback: Step to the Edge, Chapter 02 | Sassy Mami

  7. You are such a tease, stopping there!
    Great chapter, i can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next
    Best Wishes

  8. Tease!!

    Love that Kol was honest with Jeremy and made the moves on Bella.
    Although, not loving that you’re evil and cut us off! Lol
    Can’t wait for the next one! Great job!

  9. It was fantastic to see another layer of the trio’s friendship being formed.

    I did wish that Kol did some actual damage to Victoria though.

    The chemistry between Bella/Kol once it was out in the open between them was amazing!

    Awesome job!
    Update soon!!

  10. Why, why would you end there?! Oh what a tease.
    I am loving there trio friendship and I can’t wait to see more of them.
    I hope they stay as tight knitted they are, if not closer.
    Please please please update again soon!

  11. Wow.
    I love it!
    I can’t wait for more:)
    Kol and Bella are so good together!
    Are you gonna update “By Your Side” or “The Push and Pull of Things” soon? I’m a fan of your writing! 🙂

  12. I love this chapter and I love this story, but the cliffhanger….*whines* You are killing me! Lol 🙂 Can’t wait for the next chapter and I’m glad Jeremy is still friends with Kol. It would really suck for him to lose Jeremy because his secret came out sooner than he expected because of stupid Victoria!

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