An Interlude on the Edge… as a thank you…

An Interlude on the Edge… as a thank you…

So you might have seen a previous post about me being nominated in the Non Canon Awards… well I’m extremely happy to say that I placed in all three categories I was up for, and much to my surprise, after getting a Bronze in both Best Crossover and Best Quote, I actually got Gold for Underdog Author!

Huge, huge thank you to anyone who voted. I can’t even explain what it means to me to have placed at all. 

Which brings me to my reason for posting… yes, I actually have an update for you. As a special thank you I’m posting a new Interlude for Step to the Edge… for everyone who voted and anyone who has been missing Jeremy 🙂

While I’m here, I also want to congratulate everyone else who placed in their categories, Bertie Bott, Mommy4Thomas, BexieMC, Harleen Francis Quinzel, Kittyinaz, and anyone else I may have missed ❤

Anyway, as promised, chapter eleven and a half ~ Jeremy: Feel So Far From Home ~ is now up

Edge 11.5 header1

And just because I can’t resist sharing just this once… my awards 🙂

Crossover Bronze

Quote Bronze

Underdog Gold

Thanks darlings, and I hope you enjoy the little interlude chapter…


At last… my muse has come along…

At last… my muse has come along…

Yes, I admit that was the song that went through my head when I finished this chapter. It seems my muse has a slight occasional yen for Etta James… weird little psycho that he is.

It’s been a tough few weeks between some personal issues and dreaded writers block, but I got there in the end and finally have an actual update for you.

I’m sorry it’s not an update to Push like some people wanted. Part of the reason I had writers block was after trying to force something for it. I have no plans to abandon Push, but right now it’s not something I can work on.

I now have a Facebook page that I’ll be posting updates and tidbits on. Just search for Cuinawen and you’ll find me.

Anyway, brought to you by:

 The complete and total awkwardness of my muse feeding me naughty scenes while I’m getting in a little writing time at my mum’s house. Pervy asshole.

So… Chapter eleven ~ Stand Alone in Your Eyes ~ of Step to the Edge is now up…

Oh, and just a warning… here there be lemons…

Edge 11 header1

I hope it’s worth the wait.

Until next time, darlings


A new year… a new Edge…

A new year… a new Edge…

So yes… I am finally back with the first new chapter of the new year. 

I know it’s been a bit of a wait for this, but after the insanity of the 12 Vamps stories I was feeling a little burned out and needed a break.

Anyway, between some real life distractions I finally got there and have a new run by fruiting for you!

Run by fruiting

So, brought to you by…
The return of the pervy iPod (I swear I didn’t know I had so many naughty sounding songs)
Hot shirtless Nate pics, and a video of him running – also shirtless… cause… dayum… *fans self*
Several late nights of blushing while writing lol

Here there be lemons

If that’s something that bothers you… well then firstly, why are you even reading this story? And secondly, I’d suggest you just skip this chapter entirely… 🙂

Without further ado… chapter ten ~ You Had Me Shaking ~ is now up…

Edge 10 header1

Unfortunately RL is making more demands on my time lately, so I have less time to write. I’m not abandoning anything, just may not be able to post regularly. I thank you all for your support, and hope it continues even when I cannot update as often as I’d like.

Much love darlings


On the eleventh day of Christmas…

On the eleventh day of Christmas…

Well, what do you know? I made it to day eleven… and while I offer no guarantee I can say it’s looking promising for the final post tomorrow too.

I’ve been writing like a crazy person for the last sixteen days, and posting nightly for eleven now… and while it’s been crazy, I’ll almost miss it… almost lol.

Anyway, up tonight is someone I know is a favourite of a lot of people… it’s only a short I’m afraid, but I’m hoping you’ll still enjoy my *snickers* ‘bite size’ offering of him…

Please click on the lovely M4T banner below for the one and only Damon Salvatore

secret santa banner

So hopefully I’ll be back with the final offering tomorrow… I’m sure you don’t need to guess who I saved for last…
Thanks darlings


On the tenth day of Christmas…

On the tenth day of Christmas…

Sorry I’m tiny bit late, I’m not feeling good tonight.

This was the last story I had finished so far, which means no guarantees for tomorrow now, but I’ll try my best.

I do have a small start on both of the last two… so fingers crossed.

Anyway, click the beautiful banner (courtesy of Mommy4Thomas) for some David from The Lost Boys

Thou Shall Not Fall

Thanks darlings


On the ninth day of Christmas…

On the ninth day of Christmas…

Yes! Made it to three quarters of the way through… and with most of my sanity intact too!

This story was finished just this evening, which means you’re now guaranteed a post tomorrow too, just two more stories to actually write now, and only three more posts to go…

Anyway, this time around it’s someone I have written quite a bit before, so I hope you enjoy this snack size serving of him…

Click below for some Jeremy Gilbert deliciousness…

Jeremy banner

I’ll be getting back to writing… trying to get those last couple of stories done…
Thanks darlings…


On the eighth day of Christmas…

On the eighth day of Christmas…

Yes, I’m stating that this still counts as the eighth… I admit I’m a little late… only by a few hours though, and I did mention before that I was getting into ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ territory.

So I finished this one literally minutes before posting it (did I mention that I was crazy for ever trying this? Because I really am) and huge thanks need to go to Bertie Bott for rushing the banner today, and to Mommy4Thomas for helping me talk through the story as I was trying to get it done. You’re both awesome and I wouldn’t have got this done without you.

The good news is, I still have a story already done too, so you’ll definitely get a post tomorrow… as for days 10, 11 and 12… well, again I refer to ‘flying by the seat of my pants’.

Anyway, this guy may be a popular one… click below for a serving of yummy Angel

Angel Banner

I’ll be off now for some needed rest… before getting back to insane writing time…
Thanks darlings…


On the fifth day of Christmas…

On the fifth day of Christmas…

Day 5 and panic is just beginning to set in a little… not quite as ahead as I wanted to be at this stage… still, I’ll keep going 🙂

Anyway, today’s little treat is a bit of a random one… he just popped into my head when I first thought of this project and wouldn’t shut up… and this is another pairing I think I may have written the first around…

Anyway, the beautiful header (thanks Bertie Bott) below will take you to Hannibal King (from Blade Trinity) goodness…

Hannibal Banner

I’m off now to go back to writing like a madwoman… see you tomorrow…
Thanks darlings


The Third Day of Christmas… An Angel gave to me

The Third Day of Christmas… An Angel gave to me

An impossible son to feature in a story…

Day 3 is up… yes I’m a little late by UK time… that’ll teach me not to procrastinate on a name…

Anyway, if the title and first line of this post didn’t give you a clue… this one features Bella and Angel’s son Connor (yes, not quite a vamp… I cheated just a little…)

Thanks to Mommy4Thomas for the banner and her help with the title (I seriously suck at naming things sometimes)

A Meeting With Fate


Again, I will see you tomorrow with the next instalment…

Thanks darlings


On the second day of Christmas…

On the second day of Christmas…

Yep, I’m here as promised with day two of this crazy self imposed challenge… still doing pretty well with it, we’ll see how calm I am by the time I’m over halfway through lol

Anyway, today’s treat is a short and sweet, bite sized offering of Elijah *snickering a little now as I realise I actually just referred to Elijah as ‘bite sized’…*

Anyway, thanks again to Bertie and M4T for their support and beautiful banners, click on the one below for Elijah goodness.

The Waltz

See you again tomorrow for the next story…

Thanks darlings


On the first day of Christmas, a writer gave to me…

On the first day of Christmas, a writer gave to me…

…The first of 12 vamp stories

So yes, I must be mad for deciding on the 7th of December that I wanted to take this on, but there you go.

The general aim is that for 12 days leading up to Christmas I will be posting 12 different one shots, each with Bella and a different vamp (though I’ve stretched that just a little).

I couldn’t tell you what possessed me to challenge myself to do this, and so far I have been writing like a madwoman to attempt to get 12 different ideas arranged and written. As it stands now I have about half done, so it will be a definite challenge to try and get them all done in time to be posted over 12 days.

I want to say a huge thank you to Bertie Bott and Mommy4Thomas who besides being the only 2 people that knew I was attempting this crazy challenge and supporting me all the way, have been busy on Photoshop making the awesome banners you’ll be seeing.

The main title banner is a Bertie Bott special… and I’ve gotta say it’s awesome! This first chapter Banner was created by the wonderful Mommy4Thomas.

Thank you loveys, I couldn’t get this done without you.

Anyway, first up is Eric Northman 😀

Click on the banner below to go to the story…

An Unexpected Claim

And I’ll be back tomorrow with the next one…

Thanks darlings


Another Step forward…

Another Step forward…

So it took 2 months, but I finally have my laptop back… means making headers and WP maintenance is much easier again now I’m not exclusively working on a 10inch screen. Size unfortunately does matter… when it comes to Photoshop at least 🙂

Thanks to Bertie Bott, who allowed me to shamelessly steal the following warning label…
(after using her puppy eyes on me that is)

Here there be lemons*Well, almost anyway.

And in case the warning and post title didn’t give it away… yes, this means an update to Step to the Edge.

Brought to you this time by…

Inspiration from several videos Nate Buzz has posted recently (especially his [almost] gym porn) and lots of pictures – his bed hair is all kinds of adorable ❤

Kol’s baseball bat… which I’m currently using to ward off new plot bunnies… though I have a new rabid one, that it would take ‘The Holy Hand Grenade’ to get rid of…

Anyway, without any more of my rambling…

Chapter nine of Step to the Edge ~ I Lose Myself ~ is now up.


Leave some love if you enjoy it.

Thanks for reading darlings


A new chapter for Step to the Edge…

Step to the Edge

So here I am, back out of hiding finally, with the next chapter for SttE. Sorry it’s been a little while coming, lots going on in my world right now…

So, this one is brought to you by…

A few ridiculously funny trips to gutterville… an iPod that like to take the p*ss by playing songs like Rainy Zurich while I’m getting soaked walking home in a thunderstorm that I got caught in (yes, that actually happened, today in fact)… an ongoing addiction to Peanut Butter Cups… an ongoing lack of Tootsie Pops… and the usual attacks of insomnia 😀
(What is it with me and posting at 6am my time anyway?)

The lovely Mommy4Thomas kindly made this little notice for me after her first read through of the chapter… and yes, it really does apply!

Citrus warning

So, if you still want to go ahead… oh who am I kidding, did anyone actually click to leave the page? …No, I didn’t think so…

Well then…

Chapter Three ~ Closer ~ of Step to the Edge is now up

Edge 3 Closer

Just one last thing… I seriously love this pic of Nate 😉

A New Story?

Step to the Edge

Yes, that’s right. Yes, I am posting the first chapter to a brand new multi-chapter story. No, I am definitely not abandoning either of my existing two.

I mentioned in my last update that my muse was all but prodding me with a pitchfork… well this week he actually broke out said pitchfork and waved it threateningly at me – metaphorically speaking anyway – and decided for me that this was what I had to write.

Yes, my muse is an ass… but if he feels like giving me inspiration, then there are times when he really does! Over 2000 words of this chapter were written just yesterday alone.

Anyway it’s a Bella/Kol fic, though it will heavily feature Jeremy too, and it will be a little darker in places than my other two.

So chapter one ~ Say the Word ~ of Step to the Edge is now up.

Just click on the cute button below that Mommy4Thomas (also my awesome beta) made me to go there.

Step Edge Button